We are pleased about your interest in our company and that you have taken the time to visit our website. When you make use of our website, protecting your data and safeguarding your personal information is our highest priority. We would like to take a moment to let you know what kind of personal information is collected when you visit our website and for what purposes it is used.

You can review, download and print this Terms & Privacy Statement online at any time by visiting Changes in the law or changes within our corporate policies may require that we adjust our Privacy Statement accordingly. We ask, therefore, that you visit the page regularly to read the Privacy Statement.

1. Scope
This Privacy Statement applies to the content of websites owned by Mallaghan Engineering Ltd.

2. What is personal data?
Personal data refers to such information that can be used to learn more about you as a person and your current circumstances (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth or e-mail address). Information that does not allow us to establish a direct connection to you as a person (or only with a disproportionate amount of time and effort), e.g. anonymous information, is not considered personal information.

3. What kind of personal data do we collect and process?
You can visit the majority of our website without having to provide any personal data.

If you take advantage of one of the contact forms we offer, provided on any of the Mallaghan Engineering Ltd. websites to send us a request, we will ask for your name and your e-mail address. It is up to your discretion whether you want to provide us with this information. However, without these details, we will not be able to fulfill your request or the requested services, or to a limited extent. Any other information you wish to provide on the contact form is at your discretion.

If you send us an e-mail, the personal data you provided within it will be used only in our correspondence to you. We will ask for your consent before using personal information for a purpose other than stated above. None of this information will be forwarded to a third party.

4. What do we use your personal data for?
We use your personal data solely to provide you with an extensive range of services through our website, or – if you used our contact form or if you sent us an e-mail – to comply with your request to be contacted or to send you information you requested.

We do not use your personal data for any other purposes. We do not transmit your personal information to third parties or use your personal data for advertising purposes.

5. Anonymous usage data/use of cookies /Google Analytics
We do not create personal user profiles. We only store personal data in anonymous form on our servers in connection with the information pulled up according to your request. This data allows us to provide a variety of services, or used for evaluation purposes. In the process, general information is logged, such as at the time content was retrieved from our pages or which pages are visited most frequently.

We make use of “cookies” (small text files with configuration information) for this purpose. Cookies are used in order for us to determine how often the site is used and the number of users visiting our website.

This usage data does not allow us to draw any conclusions about the particular user. None of the anonymously collected usage data is combined with your personal data described in item 3.) of this Privacy Statement.

Most browsers are preset so that cookies are accepted automatically. However, you do have the option to deactivate cookies or to set your browser so that you are notified before cookies are stored. In some cases, users who do not accept cookies may not be able to access certain areas of our website.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyze how you use the website. The information generated by the cookie about how you use the website (including your IP address) is transferred and stored to a Google server. Google uses this information to analyze how you used the website, in order to prepare reports about website activities for website operators and to provide services associated with website and Internet usage. In addition, Google may transfer this information to third parties if it is required to do so by law, or if third parties process this data on Google’s behalf. Under no circumstances does Google connect your IP address with any other Google data. You can prevent cookies from being installed by setting your browser software accordingly. However, if you choose to do this you may not be able to fully utilize some of the functions on this website. By using this website you consent to having Google process the data collected about you in the manner and for the purposes described above. At any time, you have the option to retract your consent allowing Google Analytics to collect and use your IP address.

6. Technical and organizational measures in order to protect personal data stored on our website
You can rest assured that any personal information you entrust us with via our website or in your e-mail correspondence with us is safe. We undertake all efforts to protect your privacy and to treat your personal information with utmost confidentiality.

We take extensive technical and organizational security measures to prevent any loss or misuse of the personal data that we store. We review these measures regularly and keep them up-to-date with advances in technology.

Because of the structure of the Internet it is possible that data protection rules and the safety precautions described above may not be observed by other individuals or institutions outside of our control. Data provided in unencrypted form – even if such is sent by e-mail – may be read by third parties. We have no technical influence over this. It is the user’s responsibility to assure that the data provided is protected against misuse either by encryption or in another form.

7. Hyperlinks to third-party websites
We have hyperlinks on our web pages that link to websites of other service providers. If you activate these hyperlinks, you will be directed from our website to the website of the other service provider. You will recognize this by the change in the URL address.

We cannot be held responsible for assuring that your personal data is treated with same amount of confidentiality on the websites of these third parties. It is beyond our control whether or not these companies adhere to data protection regulations. This applies in particular to Please go to these websites directly for information on how these companies deal with your personal information.

8. Disclosure about the personal data we store/deletion
We only store the personal details that you provided for the length of time permitted by law.

Upon request, we would be happy to disclose to you which of your personal details we have on file. If, despite our attempts to store correct and up-to-date information, the personal data we have on file is incorrect, we will take steps to correct it immediately. Should you request that we delete the personal data we have stored, once we receive your request we will delete this data immediately. If it is not possible to delete this information for legal reasons, we will block the data.

However, keep in mind that if your personal data is deleted we will be unable to continue offering the services described herein. In any of these cases, please contact:
Mallaghan Engineering Ltd
69 Coalisland Road
Dungannon, Co Tryone, Northern Ireland BT71 6LA
T: +44 28 8772 3444

9. Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this Privacy Statement, please contact our Data Protection Officer directly:
Kiera McSorley