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Our Product Range

Aircraft Washer and Deicers

Airport Bus

Airside Training Vehicles


Catering and Cabin Cleaning Trucks

Fan Blade Deicer

Fire Rescue Stair

Fuel Tanker

Maintenance Platform Lifts

Passenger Stairs

PRM Medical Lifts

Stock Equipment

Toilet Service Trucks

ULD & Pallet Transporter

Water Service Trucks

Latest News

Mallaghan annouces launch of innovative new ‘SkyBelt’ belt loader

12:56 pm|Categories: Latest News|Tags: , , , , |

Leading airport ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturer, Mallaghan, has designed, developed, and introduced the SkyBelt, a highly capable, new conventional belt loader that capitalises on decades of experience and intense research and development efforts with [...]

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St. John’s Primary School’s bright sparks visit Mallaghan

4:14 pm|Categories: Latest News|Tags: , , |

St. John’s Primary School, located in Kingsisland, Dungannon, has enjoyed an electrifying educational experience with local airport ground support equipment manufacturer, Mallaghan. As part of its studies on electricity, Mallaghan treated the P5 class to [...]

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Mallaghan Partners With SGS For ‘Train The Trainers’ Programme

2:48 pm|Categories: Latest News|Tags: , , , |

Staff from Mallaghan were pleased to recently spend a week in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to facilitate Mallaghan's ‘train the trainers’ programme in partnership with the Saudi Ground Services (SGS) operations team. This specialised training provided [...]

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